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Tags: *Animal model, *Deglutition, *Development, *Infant, *Recurrent laryngeal nerve, *Respiration, *Sensorimotor, 2018, Animal, Animal Population Groups, Animals, Ballester Ashley, Biological, Bond Laura, Buddington Karyl, Buddington Randall, Danos Nicole, Deglutition – Physiology, Deglutition disorders, Deglutition/*physiology, DeLozier Katherine R, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Disease Models, Dysphagia, German Rebecca, Gould Francois, Gross Andrew, Humans, Laryngeal Nerves – Injuries, Laryngeal Nerves – Physiology, Larynx – Physiology, Larynx/*physiology, Models, NEOMED College of Medicine, Newborn, Ohlemacher Jocelyn, Questionnaires, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Injuries/*complications, Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve/physiology, Respiration, Stricklen Bethany, Swine
Tags: *Animal model, *Aspiration, *Deglutition, *Deglutition disorders, *Dysphagia, *Infant, *Laryngeal vestibule closure, *Recurrent laryngeal nerve, 2018, Animal, Animal Population Groups, Animals, Aspiration – Etiology, Aspiration/*etiology, Biological, Deglutition – Physiology, Deglutition Disorders – Etiology, Deglutition Disorders/*etiology, Deglutition/*physiology, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Disease Models, Dysphagia, German Rebecca, Gould Francois, Gross Andrew, Humans, Laryngeal Nerve Injuries/*complications, Laryngeal Nerves – Injuries, Larynx, Models, NEOMED College of Medicine, Newborn, Ohlemacher Jocelyn, Oropharynx, Pneumonia, Questionnaires, Swine
Tags: *Aspiration, *Deglutition, *Deglutition disorders, *Infant, *Oro-pharyngeal pathophysiology, *Recurrent laryngeal nerve, 2017, Animal Studies, Animals, Aspiration – Etiology, Aspiration/etiology, Deglutition – Physiology, Deglutition Disorders – Etiology, Deglutition Disorders – Physiopathology, Deglutition Disorders/*etiology/physiopathology, Deglutition/physiology, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Dysphagia, German R Z, Gould François D H, Laryngeal Nerve Injuries/*complications, Laryngeal Nerves – Injuries, NEOMED College of Medicine, Newborn, Ohlemacher J, Pneumonia, Swine, Yglesias B