The development of long-term potentiation (LTP), an enduring alteration in synaptic efficacy following afferent activation, was examined in CA1 hippocampus and primary visual cortex of rat. Both regions show little LTP prior to postnatal day 5,…
Due to the curved path they follow, the visual callosal projections to areas OC1 and OC2 of the rat visual cortex have been inaccessible to studies using brain slices. In this paper we describe a new slice preparation in which a curved cutting blade…
Neurons in the nucleus laminaris (NL) of birds act as coincidence detectors and encode interaural time difference to localize the sound source in the azimuth plane. GABAergic transmission in a number of CNS nuclei including the NL is subject to a…
Neurons in the avian cochlear nucleus angularis (NA) receive glutamatergic input from the auditory nerve, and GABAergic input from the superior olivary nucleus. Physiologically heterogeneous, NA neurons perform multiple functions including encoding…
For decades, we have presumed the death of hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons are the main cause of hearing loss and difficulties understanding speech in noise, but new findings suggest synapse loss may be the key contributor. Specifically,…
Oxytocin-containing axons project from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus to the neurohypophysis and thoracic spinal cord to ultimately influence uterine contractions and autonomic activity, respectively. Whether or not oxytocin-immunoreactive…