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Tags: *Curriculum, *Internship and Residency, 2015, Ahmed Rami, Ataya Ramsey, Blanda Rachel, confidence, Curriculum Development, Dasgupta Rahul, Education, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine/*education, Hughes Patrick G, Human, Interns and Residents, Internship and Residency, Invasive Procedures – Education, Medical, Moftakhar Yasmin, Pilot Projects, Pilot Studies, Questionnaires, Skill Acquisition, Surveys, The western journal of emergency medicine
Tags: *Patient Simulation, 2016, Ahmed Rami A, Ataya Ramsey, Atkinson S Scott, Checklists, Clergy, Clinical Competence, clinical pastoral care, clinical pastoral education, CPE, Curriculum, Damore Deborah R, Data Analysis Software, Department of Emergency Medicine, Descriptive Statistics, Experiential Learning, Gable Brad, Hughes Patrick G, Human, Humans, Miesle Rebecca, NEOMED College of Medicine, Pastoral Care/*education, pastoral resident, Patient Simulation – Utilization, Performance Measurement Systems, Pilot Projects, Problem-Based Learning/*methods, Prospective Studies, simulation, Spiritual Care – Education, standardized patient, The American journal of hospice & palliative care, verbatim, Viti Joseph F