One in eight American women develops breast cancer. Of the many patients requiring mastectomy yearly as a consequence, most elect some form of breast reconstruction. Since 2006, only silicone breast implants have been approved by the FDA for the…
The synthesis of "smart" tricomponent amphiphilic membranes containing poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG), polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polypentamethylcyclopentasiloxane (PD(5)) domains is described. Contact angle hysteresis indicates that in air, the…
Two generations of amphiphilic membranes synthesized in our laboratories for biologicaUniedical applications are highlighted. Recent results obtained with representative 2nd generation membranes designed specifically for immunoencapsulation of…
We have developed a replaceable bioartificial pancreas to treat diabetes utilizing a unique cocontinous amphiphilic conetwork membrane created for macroencapsulation and immunoisolation of porcine islet cells (PICs). The membrane is assembled from…
Photoresponsive delivery systems that are activated by high energy photo-triggers have been accorded much attention because of the capability to achieve reliable photoreactions at short irradiation times. However, the application of a high energy…
Recently, we reported the synthesis and biocompatibility of alkoxylphenacyl-based polycarbonates (APP); a promising new class of polymers that undergo photo-induced chain scission. In the current study, nanoparticles (NPs) were prepared from the APP…