PURPOSE: This study conveys findings of a 9-year multi-site study of personality traits among incoming medical students. The purpose of the study was twofold. First, it assessed gender differences by exploring personality traits of incoming male and…
Ninety-five students participated in a qualitative study examining pre-medical and firstyear medical students' knowledge, understanding, and attitudes surrounding HIV. Participants were given a questionnaire to assess general knowledge and to assess…
AIM: This study examined future medical professionals' attitudes and beliefs regarding mandatory human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing and disclosure. METHOD: A total of 54 US medical students were interviewed regarding mandatory testing and…
AIM: We sought to understand current medical students' levels of training and knowledge, and their attitudes regarding universal precautions practices and underlying professional and ethical issues. METHOD: A total of 54 US medical students at two…
Choosing a specialty within the occupation of medicine is problematic given the number of available specialty choices. A need exists for the development and modification of inventories to be used to help students with selecting a medical specialty.…
PURPOSE: Two main generational cohorts comprising students enrolled in medical schools today are Generation Xers (born 1965-1980) and Millennial students (born
BACKGROUND: The literature consistently reports that sexual harassment occurs with regularity in medical education, mostly in clinical settings, and most of it goes unreported. Reasons for nonreporting include the fear of retaliation, a reluctance to…