The present study was undertaken to determine whether the diminished cardiac performance associated with cocaine administration persists after the drug has been eliminated from the body. Cocaine (5 or 10 mg/kg iv) was administered to conscious (n =…
Prenatal cocaine exposure results in several documented changes in neurotransmitter receptor number and structure. Increases have been reported for cortical catecholamine and indoleamine receptor number and binding affinity, in the subunit expression…
Two groups of N/Nih male rats were trained to discriminate saline vehicle from either 2.0 mg/kg (n = 10) or 10.0 mg/kg (n = 10) cocaine in a food-motivated, two-lever operant paradigm. The rats trained at the low-dose cocaine took a significantly…
Drug discrimination studies were conducted in six male Sprague-Dawley rats trained to discriminate the interoceptive cues produced by 10 mg/kg cocaine in an effort to investigate if there is stimulus generalization to phentermine or phentermine +…
This study describes the results of a 'side-by-side' comparison of two measurement techniques and two dosing regimens in a discrimination study using rats trained to either 10 mg/kg cocaine or 2 mg/kg 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). The…
It has often been demonstrated that when a rat is conditioned in a cue-specific environment that has been repeatedly paired with cocaine injections, it will spend more time in that environment than it does in a saline-paired environment. This…
Cocaine increases the synaptic concentration of neurotransmitters by inhibiting catecholamine transporters. Disturbances of behavior and cellular physiology have been associated with prenatal cocaine exposure and are related to changes in dopamine…
Cocaine has repeatedly been shown to produce conditioned place preference (CPP) in the rat. The present study employed the heterogenous N/Nih rat stock to produce a selectively bred rat line determined by individual place preference to a conditioning…
The role of the olfactory sense in the expression of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) was examined in adult male rats (n = 35) of the N/Nih strain. Consistent with the scientific literature, rats were observed to significantly (p…
Isradipine (ISR) has been reported to block cocaine-induced conditioned place preference. Using this procedure, the pairing of this L-type calcium blocker, at doses of 2.5, 5.0 and 10 mg/kg, with a preferred (cue-distinct) environment was…