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Tags: 2004, arterial occlusive, Berendt A R, blood-pressure, Clinical Infectious Diseases, colony-stimulating factor, cutaneous oxygen-tension, Deery H G, Disease, Embil J M, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Joseph W S, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Karchmer A W, LeFrock J L, Lew D P, Lipsky B A, lower-extremity infections, Mader J T, Microbiology, Norden C, open-label trial, peripheral vascular-disease, resistant, soft-tissue infections, staphylococcus-aureus, Tan J S, term-follow-up, toe
Tags: 2006, arterial occlusive, Berendt A R, colony-stimulating factor, cutaneous oxygen-tension, Deery H G, Disease, Embil J M, hyperbaric-oxygen, Joseph W S, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Karchmer A W, LeFrock J L, Lew D P, Lipsky B A, lower-extremity infections, Mader J T, Norden C, open-label trial, peripheral vascular-disease, Plastic and reconstructive surgery, resistant, soft-tissue infections, staphylococcus-aureus, Surgery, Tan J S, term-follow-up
Tags: 2005, arterial occlusive, Berendt A R, blood-pressure, colony-stimulating factor, cutaneous oxygen-tension, Deery H G, Disease, Embil J M, Joseph W S, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, Karchmer A W, LeFrock J L, Lew D P, Lipsky B A, lower-extremity infections, Mader J T, Norden C, open-label trial, Orthopedics, peripheral vascular-disease, resistant, soft-tissue infections, staphylococcus-aureus, Tan J S, term-follow-up, toe