1. Activation of GABAA receptors can produce both hyperpolarizing and depolarizing responses in CA1 pyramidal cells. The hyperpolarizing response is mediated by a Cl- conductance, but the ionic basis of the depolarizing response is not clear. We…
The effects of the GABAB receptor antagonist 2-hydroxy-saclofen were studied using intracellular recording of synaptic potential from CA1 hippocampal neurons.
Male rats were trained to discriminate the stimulus effects of CGS 9896 (30.0 mg/kg) from its vehicle. Once trained, discriminative performance was observed to be dose-responsive in the 3.75-30.0 mg/kg range and analysis of the dose-response curve…
Prenatal cocaine exposure results in several documented changes in neurotransmitter receptor number and structure. Increases have been reported for cortical catecholamine and indoleamine receptor number and binding affinity, in the subunit expression…
Tonic inhibition mediated by extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)Rs) has emerged as a novel form of neural inhibition in the CNS. However, little is known about its presence and function in the auditory system. Using whole-cell recordings in…
The temporal characteristics and functional diversity of GABAergic inhibition are determined by the spatiotemporal neurotransmitter profile, intrinsic properties of GABAA receptors, and other factors. Here, we report two distinct GABAA responses and…