The future skin cancer statistics for the youth of the United States are staggering. Traditional educational programs are currently the mainstay to foster sun protective awareness for this high-risk, sun-worshipping population. This study was…
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether smokers at clinics providing care for the medically underserved can be characterized according to the transtheoretical stages of change model. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, descriptive study. POPULATION: Smokers in the…
Adults who exercise regularly have better health, but only 15% of U.S. adults engage in regular exercise, with some social groups, such as people with lower incomes and women, having even lower rates. This study investigates the rate at which…
BACKGROUND: Current research focuses on three variables in evaluating the impact of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) on daily living: severity of incontinence, distress or bother resulting from incontinence, and effect on health related quality of…
BACKGROUND: Quality of life (QoL) measurements are important in evaluating cancer treatment outcomes. Factors other than cancer and its treatment may have significant effects on QoL and affect assessment of treatments. Baseline data from longitudinal…
BACKGROUND: Longitudinal assessments of quality of life are needed to measure changes over the course of a disease and treatment. Computer versions of quality of life instruments have increased the feasibility of obtaining longitudinal measurements.…
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to identify factors that chief residents believe impact the teaching of junior residents under normal working conditions and the areas in which they believe education on the role of resident as teacher would be…