Each year in the United States alone over 500,000 inguinal herniorrhaphies are performed.(1) Numerous techniques and methods have been described, all in an attempt to decrease recurrences, complications, and morbidity. One of the newer methods…
Introduction: Laparoscopic inguinal herniorrhaphy is widely accepted. Robotic-assisted surgery provides improved 3-dimensional visualization and enhanced dexterity. The purpose of this case series was to demonstrate the feasibility of a modified,…
The approach to inguinal hernia in the pediatric population has historically been via an open technique. Over the last decade there have been numerous reports and descriptions of laparoscopic techniques to repair inguinal hernias in this population.…
An unusual case of giant scrotal hernia is presented. Hernias of this magnitude are extremely rare, even in underdeveloped countries, and their repair is challenging to the surgeon and stressful to the patient. Only a few case reports on the use of…