During the land-to-water transition in the Eocene epoch, the cetacean skeleton underwent modifications to accommodate life in the seas. These changes are well-documented in the fossil record. The forelimb transformed from a weight-bearing limb with…
Procreodi is an order of Paleocene and Eocene mammals thought to lie at the base of the radiation of the paraphyletic condylarths.' Taxa within the order have been linked to the origins of other condylarth groups, and of some living orders. Within…
Discoveries of three species of Eocene sirenians in District Kachchh, State of Gujarat, India, are reported. A species of the protosirenid Protosiren is represented by cranial and postcranial material, and the halitherime dugongid Eosiren is…
The cranial anatomy of Megalohyrax eoceanus Andrews, 1903, a pliohyracid (Hyracoidea, Mammalia) from Oligocene levels of the Jebel Qatrani Formation of the Fayum Depression in Egypt, is described. Megalohyrax is the largest of the Fayum hyracoids,…
We present a summary of the Eocene mammal faunas of Indo-Pakistan based on study of the known faunas and new collections. New taxa described here are the carpolestid Parvocristes oligocollis, the plesiadapid Jattadectes mamikheli (both new families…
Paleontology provides information about the history of morphological transformations, whereas developmental biology provides information about how such transformations happen at a mechanistic level. As such, developmental evidence enriches…
Significant new material of the plesiadapiform Elphidotarsius russelli is described from Montana and Alberta. Previously the most poorly documented carpolestid, this species is now known from numerous isolated teeth and many jaw fragments. New…
Recognition of avascular necrosis through propodial head subsidence in fossils indicates that plesiosaurs were susceptible to decompression syndrome and implies deep, prolonged or repetitive diving behavior for these animals. Contrary to the…
The skulls and isolated tympanics are described for the earliest whales, pakicetids, from the H-GSP Locality 62 in the Ganda Kas area in Northern Pakistan. Currently three pakicetid genera are known: Pakicetus, Ichthyolestes, and Nalacetus.…
A collection of fossil material from Eocene deposits of Pakistan includes remains belonging to various taxa of actinopterygian fishes. The material comes from predominantly freshwater deposits, as well as a few marine deposits, in the Kuldana…