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Tags: 2021, Bennett NC, Body Temperature, bone growth, bone microstructure, bone modeling, Chinsamy A, Dengler‐Crish CM, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, endosteal bone, Heterocephalus glaber, hypothermia, Journal of anatomy, journalArticle, July 2021 List, lamellar bone, lamellar‐zonal bone, long bone growth, Montoya‐Sanhueza G, Morphogenesis, NAKED mole rat, NEOMED College of Medicine, ontogeny, Oosthuizen MK, Periosteum, POLARIZATION microscopy, STRAINS & stresses (Mechanics)
Tags: 2004, articular-cartilage, Asamura S, Cell Biology, Cells, Chondrocytes, construct, copolymers, Higashi T, Hillyer J, Ikada Y, Isogai N, Jacquet R, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Landis W J, laser capture microdissection, Morita S, Morphogenesis, polymer matrices, reconstruction, Tissue Engineering, total, Transplantation
Tags: 2018, Aquatic Mammals, Balacnidae, Balaena mysticetus, baleen development, bowhead whale, DELPHINIDAE, Dentition, development, dolphin stenella-attenuata, ear development, embryology, Evolution, generation, hair, hyperphalangy, Journal Article, limb, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Morphogenesis, perspectives, pharyngeal arch, Stenella attenuata, Teeth, Thewissen J G M, tooth development, Zoology
Tags: 2007, bone-development, Bones, chondrocyte differentiation, Developmental Biology, Elsey R M, Evolutionary Biology, Horton W E, indian-hedgehog, joint formation, Journal Article, Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution, long, Lovejoy C O, Morphogenesis, Ossification, porpoise phocoena-phocoena, proliferation, Reno P L, skeleton formation, Zoology
Tags: *Muscle Development, 1999, Afferent Pathways/physiology, Aging/metabolism, Animals, Cell Lineage, Developmental, Fetal Proteins/metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Knockout, Kucera J, Mammals/anatomy & histology/*metabolism, Mice, Morphogenesis, Muscle, Muscle Contraction, Muscle Fibers, Muscle Proteins/deficiency/physiology, Muscle Spindles/physiology, Myosin Heavy Chains/*metabolism, Nerve Tissue Proteins/deficiency/physiology, Protein Isoforms/*metabolism, Rats, Skeletal/*chemistry/classification, Skeletal/chemistry/embryology/*growth & development/ultrastructure, Transgenic, Trends in neurosciences, Walro J M
Tags: *Adaptation, *Biological Evolution, 2007, Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007), Animals, Berta Annalisa, Cetacea/*anatomy & histology/physiology, Cooper Lisa Noelle, Dawson Susan D, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Forelimb/*anatomy & histology/physiology, Morphogenesis, NEOMED College of Medicine, Newborn, Phylogeny, Physiological, Reidenberg Joy S