The drug discrimination paradigm (DD) was used to evaluate differences in performance of rats selectively bred for differential sensitivity to the hypnotic effects of ethanol. Tenth generation high-alcohol sensitive (HAS) and low-alcohol sensitive…
1. The objective of the experimentation was to determine whether nicotine (NIC, 0.8 mg/kg subcutaneously administered) would produce a conditioned place preference (CPP) in rats confined for thirty min to their less-preferred side in a three…
The objective of the present experiment was to demonstrate whether four days of twice-a-day conditioned place conditioning produces a preference that is equivalent to that produced by using eight days of once-a-day training. Two doses of the…
Cocaine has repeatedly been shown to produce conditioned place preference (CPP) in the rat. The present study employed the heterogenous N/Nih rat stock to produce a selectively bred rat line determined by individual place preference to a conditioning…
Rewards, as diverse as food, sweetened solutions, copulation, electrical brain stimulation, and drugs abused by humans, have been shown to condition place preferences in rats. Juvenile rats will readily learn to traverse a T-maze for the opportunity…
Rats selectively bred for high alcohol sleep times (HAS) and those that are less affected (LAS) by hypnotic doses (3.0-3.6 g/kg) of ethanol were tested for differential responses to the aversive effects of 1.0 g/kg ethanol in a conditioned place…