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Tags: *Diet, *Feeding behavior, *Food Analysis, *Food mechanical properties, *Mastication, *Primate diet, *Toughness, *Young's modulus, 2016, Animals, Biomechanical Phenomena, Chalk-Wilayto Janine, Cheyne Susan M, Coiner-Collier Susan, Constantino Paul, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Dominy Nathaniel J, Elastic Modulus, Elgart Alison A, Female, Glowacka Halszka, Journal of human evolution, Loyola Laura C, Lucas Peter W, Male, NEOMED College of Medicine, Ossi-Lupo Kerry, Primates/*physiology, Raguet-Schofield Melissa, Sala Enrico A, Scott Robert S, Sieradzy Pawel, Talebi Mauricio G, Taylor Andrea B, Vinyard Christopher J, Vogel Erin R, Wright Barth W, Yamashita Nayuta
Tags: *allometry, *gait mechanics, *life history, *locomotor independence, *ontogeny, 2018, American journal of physical anthropology, Animals, Anthropology, Biomechanical Phenomena/*physiology, Bone and Bones/physiology, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Female, Gait/*physiology, Hand Strength/physiology, Humans, Locomotion/*physiology, Male, NEOMED College of Medicine, Phylogeny, Physical, Primates/*physiology, Shapiro Liza J, Young Jesse W
Tags: *anthropoid, *dental, *growth, *odontogenesis, 2017, American journal of physical anthropology, Animals, Anthropology, Bonar Christopher J, Bucher Wade R, Deciduous/*anatomy & histology, DeLeon Valerie B, Evans Sian, Female, Maxilla/anatomy & histology, Molar/anatomy & histology, Muchlinski Magdalena N, Newborn/*physiology, Odontogenesis/*physiology, Physical, Primates/*physiology, Smith Timothy D, Tooth, Vinyard Christopher J, Williams Lawrence E