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Tags: 2008, Attitude of Health Personnel, Bias (Research), Clinical Competence – Standards, Communication, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Education, Educational Measurement, Educational Measurement – Standards, Empathy, Human, Medical, NEOMED College of Medicine, Patient Education & Counseling, Patient Satisfaction, Patient Simulation, Physician-Patient Relations, Physician's Role, Power, Reproducibility of Results, Rituals and Ceremonies, Role Playing, Students, Varley JD, Wear D
Tags: 2018, Anderson Shauna, Attitude of Health Personnel, Blough Keith, Brown Robin G, Brunt Barbara, Chi Square Test, Clinical Assessment Tools, College of Medicine, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Descriptive Statistics, Disaster Planning, Enos Trish, Fisher's Exact Test, Health Personnel, Human, Kropp Denise, Learning Environment, Literature Review, McNemar's Test, Multidisciplinary Care Team, NEOMED College of Medicine, Nonverbal Communication, Nursing, Ohio, Qualitative Studies, Quantitative Studies, Role Playing, Self Assessment, Self Defense, Simulations, Students, Summated Rating Scaling, The American journal of nursing, Validity, Videorecording, Weapons, Workplace Violence – Education
Tags: *Communication, *Empathy, *Patient Simulation, *Physician-Patient Relations, 2008, Attitude of Health Personnel, Bias, Ceremonial Behavior, Clinical Competence/*standards, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Education, Educational Measurement/*methods/standards, Humans, Medical, NEOMED College of Medicine, Patient education and counseling, Patient Satisfaction, Physician's Role/psychology, Power (Psychology), Reproducibility of Results, Role Playing, Students, Undergraduate, Varley Joseph D, Wear Delese