Recent members of the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) move in the water by vertical tail beats and cannot locomote on land. Their hindlimbs are not visible externally and the bones are reduced to one or a few splints that commonly…
Embryonic development in dolphins retrofits a land-adapted body for life in the sea. But the rarity of preserved specimens stymies students and researchers who want to study, say, how the forelimbs morph into flippers. Aimed at filling this gap is…
Presents several letters to the editor referencing article "Cumulative Sperm Whale Bone Damage and the Bends," by M.J. Moore and G.A. Early, previously published in the journal "Science." Compatibility of sperm whale avascular necrosis;…
Endometriosis is a disease defined by the presence of endometrialtissue outside of the uterus. Severe pelvic pain is often associatedwith endometriosis, and this pain can be diminished with therapies thatsuppress estrogen production. Many women with…
The authors propose that professionalism, rather than being left to the chance that students will model themselves on ideal physicians or somehow be permeable to other elements of professionalism, is fostered by students' engagement with significant,…