As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to progress, the medical community is rapidly trying to identify complications and patterns of disease to improve patient outcomes. In a recent systematic review, it has been reported that isolated cases of…
Myocarditis following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination has recently been reported to health authorities in the United States and other countries. Cases predominately occur in young adult males within four days following the second dose of either the…
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for two highly effective Sars-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. More recently, EUA was granted for the Johnson and Johnson…
Introduction: Emergency department (ED) patients who leave before treatment is complete (LBTC) represent medicolegal risk and lost revenue. We sought to examine LBTC return visits characteristics and potential revenue effects for a large healthcare…
BACKGROUND: There are more than 100,000 cases of esophageal foreign body in the United States each year. Most cases resolve spontaneously; however, complete esophageal obstruction is a medical emergency. Patients with developmental disabilities are…
Research is the search for new, generalisable knowledge (Truth in the Universe) to improve our collective ability to correctly diagnose and treat human suffering. In the formal sense, medical research implies both creating new knowledge, and also…
The specialty of Emergency Medicine continues to expand and mature worldwide. As a relatively new specialty, the body of research that underpins patient management in the emergency department (ED) setting needs to be expanded for optimum patient…
Clear and precise writing is a vital skill for healthcare providers and those involved in global emergency care research. It allows one to publish in scientific literature and present oral and written summaries of their work. However, writing skills…
Presenting research at a conference is an opportunity to disseminate the findings, network with other researchers, and to develop your academic track record. Although every conference will have some local differences, there are common approaches to…
As emergency and acute care systems develop, the ability to broadly engage key stakeholders becomes paramount for success. Collaborating with emergency medicine clinicians as well as other providers who have already developed their specialties,…
Study design is critical to ensure that research questions are answered in an appropriate and rational manner for all aspects of health, but particularly in emergency care. Appropriate study design selection is one of the most critical decisions to…
Development of a successful research program can seem daunting when looked at from the starting line. It will take years if not decades to succeed and become sustainable. It requires local partnerships and mentoring; it mandates the establishment of…
Research is a fundamental component of the development of quality emergency care systems. Developing qualified professionals and programs to conduct emergency care research is essential to understanding epidemiology in low resource settings. This…
Effective critical appraisal of medical research requires training and practice. Evidence-based medicine provides a framework for standardised review of manuscripts of nearly any research design. Online resources and communities exist to provide free…
OBJECTIVE: Our investigation compared throughput metrics and utilization measures for freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs) versus hospital-based emergency departments (HBEDs) of similar volumes in the United States. METHODS: This study is a…
BACKGROUND: Patient boarding in the emergency department (ED) is a significant issue leading to increased morbidity/mortality, longer lengths of stay, and higher hospital costs. We examined the impact of boarding patients on the ED waiting room. …