Olfactory cues play an important role in mammalian biology, but have been challenging to assess in the field. Current methods pose problematic issues with sample storage and transportation, limiting our ability to connect chemical variation in scents…
Many primates show responses to dead infants, yet testing explanations for these behaviors has been difficult. Callitrichids present a unique opportunity to delineate between hypotheses, since unlike most species, male caretakers form closer social…
The lab and field provide differing approaches to studying primate biology. We outline the challenges and benefits of these approaches and demonstrate how collaboration can help bridge these perspectives to provide complementary insight into primate…
Between-group aggression is a common feature of many group-living animals. Yet aggressive behaviors are often costly, involving risk of injury, increased energy expenditure and the potential to reduce feeding time. For aggression to be evolutionarily…
Many animals use olfactory cues to signal information about food resources; however, this particular use of scent has received little attention in primates. Common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) are exudativores that gouge bark to elicit exudate…
Infrared thermography has become a useful tool to assess surface temperatures of animals for thermoregulatory research. However, surface temperatures are an endpoint along the body's core-shell temperature gradient. Skin and fur are the peripheral…
The lab and field provide differing approaches to studying primate biology. We outline the challenges and benefits of these approaches and demonstrate how collaboration can help bridge these perspectives to provide complementary insight into primate…
Thyroid hormones boost animals' basal metabolic rate and represent an important thermoregulatory pathway for mammals that face cold temperatures. Whereas the cold thermal pressures experienced by primates in seasonal habitats at high latitudes and…