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Tags: 2013, Affect, affect schedule panas, Career, Career counseling, Career management, construct-validity, efficacy, engagement, exploration, goal attainment, happen, high-school-students, Hirschi A, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of vocational behavior, Lee B, Motivation, negative, Porfeli E J, Proactivity, Psychology, self-concordance, things, Vocational identity, Vondracek F W
Tags: 2005, african american, Career, Career adaptability, career aspirations, career awareness, Career exploration, career theory, Child Development, child vocational development, children and work, Department of Family & Community Medicine, developmental career, elementary-school-children, Hartung P J, identity development, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of vocational behavior, junior-high-school, life-course development, life-span development, longitudinal sample, maturity, NEOMED College of Medicine, nontraditional workers, occupational aspirations, Porfeli E J, Psychology, sex-role expectations, twins reared apart, vocational expectations and aspirations, vocational interests, Vondracek F W
Tags: 2008, Adolescence, CAREER development, Career Development Quarterly, Department of Family & Community Medicine, exploration, Hartung P J, identity development, Internet, Journal Article, NEOMED College of Medicine, occupational aspirations, perspective, Porfeli E J, Psychology, states, Vondracek F W, web