Browse Items (9 total)

The efficacy of a three-week career construction counselling group intervention that was structured using the My Career Story workbook [Savickas, M. L., & Hartung, P. J. (2012). My career story: An autobiographical workbook for life-career success.]…

Career exploration is a critical process for child and adolescent development leading people toward suitable work and developing a vocational identity. The present study examined the role of motivational precursors, namely work valences and personal…

We examined whether and how family interaction patterns relate to role salience and vocational identity in a predominantly Anglo-American college student sample (107 women, 65 men). Results indicated significant links between perceived emotional…

To address counselors' need for a reliable measure of career adapting thoughts and behaviors as well as researchers' need for a specific measure of adapting as a dimension in the model of career adaptation, we developed the Student Career…

Models of career maturity first formulated at midcentury, have been criticized for not incorporating innovations in personality and developmental psychology. This isolation from general models of and debates about personal maturity has kept career…

The innovative responses of vocational psychology and career counseling to the important questions raised by people living in information societies will continue the disciplines' tradition of helping individuals link their lives to the economic…

At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address…

Social Cognitive Career Theory suggests that students' preparedness for the school-to-work transition is a developmental process. Middle school children explore various careers, obtain feedback about their academic progress, and develop career…

The present study examined the career construction theory (CCT) model of adaptation using a sample of working adults diagnosed with Chiari malformation. Specifically, we tested a mediation model in which adaptivity (i.e., proactivity, openness, and…
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