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Tags: 2002, Anthropology, australopithecus-africanus, Chemeron temporal, earliest homo, Evolutionary Biology, extant, fossil hominids, hadar formation, Hill A, hominoids, Homo, Journal Article, Journal of human evolution, lake turkana, meningeal vascular patterns, plio-pleistocene hominids, Sherwood R J, south-africa, swartkrans formation, temporal bone, Ward S C
Tags: 2013, Anthropology, australopithecus-africanus, basicranial flexion, Basicranium, condyles, Convergent, cranial base, energetic cost, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, hominids, hominin, Journal Article, Journal of human evolution, Kirk E C, Locomotion, occipital, Orthogrady, pliopleistocene, postnatal-development, relative brain size, Russo G A, sahelanthropus-tchadensis, south-africa, Trunk posture