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Tags: 1997, african apes, allometry, American journal of physical anthropology, Anthropology, character phylogeny, chimp, Evolution, Evolutionary Biology, extant, facial kyphosis, form, fossil hominids, great apes, Homo, hylobatids, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, late, McCollum M A, miocene, ontogenetic, orangutans, sexual dimorphism, skull material, subnasal development, Ward S C
Tags: 2002, Anthropology, australopithecus-africanus, Chemeron temporal, earliest homo, Evolutionary Biology, extant, fossil hominids, hadar formation, Hill A, hominoids, Homo, Journal Article, Journal of human evolution, lake turkana, meningeal vascular patterns, plio-pleistocene hominids, Sherwood R J, south-africa, swartkrans formation, temporal bone, Ward S C