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Tags: 2021, ANAL FISTULA, August 2021 List, Cell therapy, clinical-trial, Crohn's disease, double-blind, FECAL DIVERSION, ileostomy, IN-ANO, Journal of laparoendoscopic & advanced surgical techniques. Part A, journalArticle, Lightner AL, Management, NEOMED College of Medicine Student, NEOMED Student Publications, Pedersen KE, perianal fistula, proctectomy, quality-of-life, REFRACTORY CROHNS-DISEASE, stem-cells, surgical-treatment
Tags: 1st metatarsal, 2020, angle, August 2020 List, chevron osteotomy, Cleveland Clinic Akron General Hospital, Corrective bunion surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, distal metatarsal osteotomy, Foot and Ankle Clinics, Hallus valgus surgery, head, journalArticle, Kay DB, Minimal incision surgery, moderate, NEOMED College of Medicine, plane rotation, scarf osteotomy, surgical-treatment, system