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Tags: 2018, Aquatic Mammals, Balacnidae, Balaena mysticetus, baleen development, bowhead whale, DELPHINIDAE, Dentition, development, dolphin stenella-attenuata, ear development, embryology, Evolution, generation, hair, hyperphalangy, Journal Article, limb, Marine & Freshwater Biology, Morphogenesis, perspectives, pharyngeal arch, Stenella attenuata, Teeth, Thewissen J G M, tooth development, Zoology
Tags: *Biological Evolution, 2017, Animals, baleen, baleen whales, bowhead whale, Bowhead Whale/anatomy & histology/*embryology, Cetacea, Dentition, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, embryology, Female, FGF, George John C, Hieronymus Tobin L, Jaw/anatomy & histology/embryology, Journal of anatomy, keratin, McBurney Denise, Mixed, Mouth/anatomy & histology/*embryology, mysticetes, NEOMED College of Medicine, ontogeny, Pregnancy, Stimmelmayr Raphaela, Suydam Robert, Thewissen J G M, tooth development, Tooth/anatomy & histology/*embryology