Evidence For A Potential Role Of Estrogen In The Penis: Detection Of Estrogen Receptor-alpha And -beta Messenger Ribonucleic Acid And Protein


Evidence For A Potential Role Of Estrogen In The Penis: Detection Of Estrogen Receptor-alpha And -beta Messenger Ribonucleic Acid And Protein


Jesmin S; Mowa C N; Matsuda N; Salah-Eldin A E; Togashi H; Sakuma I; Hattori Y; Kitabatake A






Body tissues are traditionally classified as estrogen targets based on both the response to the hormone and the presence of estrogen receptors (ERs). We undertook the study on expression of ERalpha and ERbeta in the penis to identify compartments/cells responsive to estrogen, using immunohistochemistry, Western blotting, in situ hybridization, and RT-PCR analyses. Expressions of ERalpha and ERbeta in the rat penis were age dependent at both mRNA and protein levels, with the most intense signals being observed during the perinatal period and declining thereafter with age. Initial signals (fetal d 17) of ERalpha were localized to the mesenchyme and subepithelial stroma and later (postnatal d 2) to the corpus spongiosus, corpus cavernosus; and urethral epithelia. ERbeta was initially detected by postnatal d 2 and was localized diffusely in corpus spongiosus and cavernosus in immature rats. In the. adult, both ERs were concentrated largely to the urethral eithelia and vascular and neuronal structures. The present study provides the first evidence for ER expression in the penis. Thus, our data add the penis to the list of estrogen-responsive tissues in males and provide a base and insight for future studies aimed at investigating a functional role of estrogen in the penis, especially in development.


androgen receptor; differential expression; dorsal-root ganglion; Endocrinology & Metabolism; hyena crocuta-crocuta; in-situ hybridization; male reproductive-system; molecular-cloning; rat pituitary; sexual-behavior; spinal-cord


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Jesmin S; Mowa C N; Matsuda N; Salah-Eldin A E; Togashi H; Sakuma I; Hattori Y; Kitabatake A, “Evidence For A Potential Role Of Estrogen In The Penis: Detection Of Estrogen Receptor-alpha And -beta Messenger Ribonucleic Acid And Protein,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed September 15, 2024, https://neomed.omeka.net/items/show/10351.