Lefamulin: A Novel Semisynthetic Pleuromutilin Antibiotic for Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia.
Lefamulin: A Novel Semisynthetic Pleuromutilin Antibiotic for Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia.
Watkins Richard R; File Thomas M
Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP) remains a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Antimicrobial resistance, including in pathogens that cause CABP, continues to spread at an alarming rate. Because of these factors, the development of new antibiotic classes is urgently needed. Lefamulin, previously known as BC-3781, is a semisynthetic pleuromutilin antibiotic that was approved by the Federal Drug Administration for the treatment of CABP in adults. Available in both oral and intravenous (IV) formulations, lefamulin has potent in vitro activity against both typical and atypical CABP pathogens. The first pleuromutilin to be used systemically in humans, lefamulin has a unique mechanism of action that inhibits protein synthesis by preventing the binding of tRNA for peptide transfer. This review summarizes the available data about lefamulin, including recent evidence from two phase III clinical trials (LEAP 1 and LEAP 2), and discusses its potential role in the treatment of CABP.
antimicrobial resistance; community-acquired bacterial pneumonia; lefamulin
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1537-6591 1058-4838
NEOMED College
NEOMED College of Medicine
NEOMED Department
Department of Internal Medicine
Update Year & Number
June 2020 Update I
Affiliated Hospital
Summa Health System Akron City Hospital; Cleveland Clinic Akron General Hospital
Watkins Richard R; File Thomas M, “Lefamulin: A Novel Semisynthetic Pleuromutilin Antibiotic for Community-Acquired Bacterial Pneumonia.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed February 15, 2025, https://neomed.omeka.net/items/show/11036.