Laboratory exercise using "virtual rats" to teach endocrine physiology.
Laboratory exercise using "virtual rats" to teach endocrine physiology.
Odenweller C M; Hsu C T; Sipe E; Layshock J P; Varyani S; Rosian R L; DiCarlo S E
The American journal of physiology
Animal experimentation is limited in many curricula due to the expense, lack of adequate animal facilities and equipment, and limited experience of the teachers. There are also ethical concerns dealing with the comfort and safety of the animals. To overcome these obstacles, we developed a "dry laboratory" using "virtual rats." The "virtual rat" eliminates the obstacles inherent in animal experimentation, such as inadequate budgets, as well as avoiding important animal rights issues. Furthermore, no special materials are required for the completion of this exercise. Our goal in developing this dry laboratory was to create an experience that would provide students with an appreciation for the value of laboratory data collection and analysis. Students are exposed to the challenge of animal experimentation, experimental design, data collection, and analysis and interpretation without the issues surrounding the use of live animals.
*Rats; *Teaching Materials; Animal Welfare; Animals; Curriculum; Education; Endocrinology/*education; Humans; Laboratory; Medical; Undergraduate/*methods
Article information provided for research and reference use only. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).
Odenweller C M; Hsu C T; Sipe E; Layshock J P; Varyani S; Rosian R L; DiCarlo S E, “Laboratory exercise using "virtual rats" to teach endocrine physiology.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed February 11, 2025,