Developing competencies for pediatric hospice and palliative medicine.
Developing competencies for pediatric hospice and palliative medicine.
Klick Jeffrey C; Friebert Sarah; Hutton Nancy; Osenga Kaci; Pituch Kenneth J; Vesel Tamara; Weidner Norbert; Block Susan D; Morrison Laura J
In 2006, hospice and palliative medicine (HPM) became an officially recognized subspecialty. This designation helped initiate the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education Outcomes Project in HPM. As part of this process, a group of expert clinician-educators in HPM defined the initial competency-based outcomes for HPM fellows (General HPM Competencies). Concurrently, these experts recognized and acknowledged that additional expertise in pediatric HPM would ensure that the competencies for pediatric HPM were optimally represented. To fill this gap, a group of pediatric HPM experts used a product development method to define specific Pediatric HPM Competencies. This article describes the development process. With the ongoing evolution of HPM, these competencies will evolve. As part of the Next Accreditation System, the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education uses milestones as a framework to better define competency-based, measurable outcomes for trainees. Currently, there are no milestones specific to HPM, although the field is designing curricular milestones with multispecialty involvement, including pediatrics. These competencies are the conceptual framework for the pediatric content in the HPM milestones. They are specific to the pediatric HPM subspecialist and should be integrated into the training of pediatric HPM subspecialists. They will serve a foundational role in HPM and should inform a wide range of emerging innovations, including the next evolution of HPM Competencies, development of HPM curricular milestones, and training of adult HPM and other pediatric subspecialists. They may also inform pediatric HPM outcome measures, as well as standards of practice and performance for pediatric HPM interdisciplinary teams.
Humans; Child; United States; Focus Groups; Curriculum/trends; Forecasting; Societies; Cooperative Behavior; Education; Accreditation; Clinical Competence/*standards; competencies; fellowship training; hospice and palliative medicine; Hospice Care/*standards/trends; Interdisciplinary Communication; milestones; Palliative Medicine/*education/trends; pediatric palliative care; Pediatrics/*education/trends; Specialization/trends; Specialty Boards/standards/trends; Terminal Care/standards/trends; Medical; Graduate/trends
Article information provided for research and reference use only. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).
Klick Jeffrey C; Friebert Sarah; Hutton Nancy; Osenga Kaci; Pituch Kenneth J; Vesel Tamara; Weidner Norbert; Block Susan D; Morrison Laura J, “Developing competencies for pediatric hospice and palliative medicine.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed February 10, 2025,