Diagnosis of 'possible' mitochondrial disease: an existential crisis.


Diagnosis of 'possible' mitochondrial disease: an existential crisis.


Parikh Sumit; Karaa Amel; Goldstein Amy; Bertini Enrico Silvio; Chinnery Patrick F; Christodoulou John; Cohen Bruce H; Davis Ryan L; Falk Marni J; Fratter Carl; Horvath Rita; Koenig Mary Kay; Mancuso Michaelangelo; McCormack Shana; McCormick Elizabeth M; McFarland Robert; Nesbitt Victoria; Schiff Manuel; Steele Hannah; Stockler Silvia; Sue Carolyn; Tarnopolsky Mark; Thorburn David R; Vockley Jerry; Rahman Shamima


Journal of medical genetics




Primary genetic mitochondrial diseases are often difficult to diagnose, and the term 'possible' mitochondrial disease is used frequently by clinicians when such a diagnosis is suspected. There are now many known phenocopies of mitochondrial disease. Advances in genomic testing have shown that some patients with a clinical phenotype and biochemical abnormalities suggesting mitochondrial disease may have other genetic disorders. In instances when a genetic diagnosis cannot be confirmed, a diagnosis of 'possible' mitochondrial disease may result in harm to patients and their families, creating anxiety, delaying appropriate diagnosis and leading to inappropriate management or care. A categorisation of 'diagnosis uncertain', together with a specific description of the metabolic or genetic abnormalities identified, is preferred when a mitochondrial disease cannot be genetically confirmed.


clinical genetics; diagnosis; evidence based practice; metabolic disorders


Article information provided for research and reference use only. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).







NEOMED College

NEOMED College of Medicine

NEOMED Department

Department of Pediatrics; Department of Integrative Medical Sciences

Affiliated Hospital

Akron Children's Hospital


Parikh Sumit; Karaa Amel; Goldstein Amy; Bertini Enrico Silvio; Chinnery Patrick F; Christodoulou John; Cohen Bruce H; Davis Ryan L; Falk Marni J; Fratter Carl; Horvath Rita; Koenig Mary Kay; Mancuso Michaelangelo; McCormack Shana; McCormick Elizabeth M; McFarland Robert; Nesbitt Victoria; Schiff Manuel; Steele Hannah; Stockler Silvia; Sue Carolyn; Tarnopolsky Mark; Thorburn David R; Vockley Jerry; Rahman Shamima, “Diagnosis of 'possible' mitochondrial disease: an existential crisis.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed January 23, 2025, https://neomed.omeka.net/items/show/6303.