An educational tool for understanding the cardiovascular changes associated with diabetes.


An educational tool for understanding the cardiovascular changes associated with diabetes.


Collins H L; DiCarlo S E


The American journal of physiology




Diabetes, a syndrome characterized by high plasma glucose and low plasma insulin concentrations, is associated with somatic and autonomic neuropadiabetes as well as cardiac and vascular disorders. These consequences of diabetes significantly affect the organism's ability to maintain homeostasis. To understand the changes associated with diabetes, we developed a laboratory exercise that compares and contrasts the cardiovascular responses to exercise in an individual with diabetes and in an individual without diabetes. This exercise provides a unique opportunity to analyze, integrate, and interpret the changes associated with diabetes, since more is learned about how a system operated when the system is forced to perform than when it is idle. In this laboratory, anatomical and physiological data concerning diabetes are provided. Subsequently, a figure that illustrates the response of a specific cardiovascular variable during exercise (e.g., heart rate, cardiac output, blood pressure) is presented. Students are challenged to analyze and assimilate information from figures, answer questions, make calculations, fill in tables, and plot graphs. The laboratory does not require equipment or software, only rulers and pencils. The answers to the questions and tables are provided in the APPENDIX. Students obtain experience in evaluating and understanding diabetes as well as applying basic cardiovascular concepts. The emphasis is on the application of basic cardiovascular principles, interpretation of pictorial or tabular material, and problem-solving skills.


*Teaching Materials; Blood Circulation; Blood Glucose/analysis; Blood Pressure; Cardiac Output; Cardiovascular System/*physiopathology; Diabetes Mellitus/*physiopathology; Heart Rate; Homeostasis; Humans; Insulin/blood; Oxygen Consumption; Physical Exertion/physiology; Physiology/*education; Problem Solving; Teaching/*methods; Vascular Resistance


Article information provided for research and reference use only. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).








Collins H L; DiCarlo S E, “An educational tool for understanding the cardiovascular changes associated with diabetes.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed January 18, 2025,