The present study addresses the specificity of lyric osseous impact for distinguishing among metastatic cancer, tuberculosis, and fungal disease. Osseous impact is used in this manuscript as a convention to describe the macroscopic appearance of…
Diploic veins (Canales diploicae), which were identified in dogs by Dupuytren more than 200 years ago (Hecker [1845] Die anatomische Verhaltnisse und Krankheiten der Venae diploicae und Vasa emissaria, Erfahrungen und Abhandlungen im Gebiete der…
Hyperostosis frontalis interna (HFI) is manifested by the accretion of bone on the inner table of the frontal bone. Despite the vast literature on HFI, ambiguity exists as to its etiology, osteogenesis, demography, and history. This stimulated the…