This short report describes the relationships between concentrations of ceramides (CER), diacylglycerols (DAG), triacylglycerols (TAG) in very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) particles, and hepatic lipid accumulation. VLDL particles were isolated…
Urinary stone disease (USD) is affecting a greater number of children and low bone mineral density (BMD) and increased skeletal fractures have been demonstrated in stone patients; however, the mechanism(s) driving bone disease remain unclear. This…
Executive Summary: 1. Foot infections in patients with diabetes cause substantial morbidity and frequent visits to health care professionals and may lead to amputation of a lower extremity. 2. Diabetic foot infections require attention to local…
This manuscript reviews the frequencies, symptoms, testing, and reporting of genotypes with the 5T poly-thymidine tract which reduces splicing efficiency in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR) gene in congenital bilateral…
We recently developed a sensitive method using biotin-N-maleimide (biotin-NM) as a probe to positively identify oxidized mitochondrial proteins. In this study, biotin-NM was used to identify oxidized cytosolic proteins in alcohol-fed mouse livers.…
Although cholelithiasis is uncommon in children, its laparoscopic treatment has progressively become more popular among pediatric surgeons. This is due in part to the fact that compared with the open technique, laparoscopic treatment is less invasive…
The present study addresses the specificity of lyric osseous impact for distinguishing among metastatic cancer, tuberculosis, and fungal disease. Osseous impact is used in this manuscript as a convention to describe the macroscopic appearance of…
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the possible association between duration of sexual cohabitation and the risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). STUDY DESIGN: A matched case-control design in which each case of PIH was compared with three controls.…
Pili torti is a hair shaft disorder characterized by hair that does not grow long and is easily broken; the hair often has a coarse or spangled appearance. A diagnosis is made by light microscopy of flattened hair twisted 180 degrees along its axis.…
Cardiovascular diseases are often considered to be a predominantly male health problem, and it has been suggested that testosterone exerts deleterious effects on cardiovascular function; however, few experimental studies support this suggestion.…
BACKGROUND: In April 2004, the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III Guidelines for management of high cholesterol encouraged even lower levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) than previous guidelines for high and very…
Study Design. A descriptive study of the association between sacroiliac joint (extra-articular) bridging and other enthesopathies. Objectives. To examine the relationship between sacroiliac joint bridging with other entheseal reaction sites in the…
The term tropical ulcer, as applied to bone pathology, describes the specific pathologic phenomenon of the presence of a well-defined osteomatous shelf formation on the anteromedial aspect of the tibia. Despite the appellation 'tropical,' this…
To determine whether Black women with symptoms of uterine corpus cancer had longer times from symptom recognition to initial medical consultation than did White women in the United States, 331 newly diagnosed patients living in Atlanta (GA), New…
Vitamin D receptor (VDR) mediates vitamin D signaling involved in bone metabolism, cellular growth and differentiation, cardiovascular function, and bile acid regulation. Mice with an intestine-specific disruption of VDR (Vdr(Delta IEpC)) have…
Aberrant epigenetic alterations during development may result in long-term epigenetic memory and have a permanent effect on the health of subjects. Constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) is a central regulator of drug/xenobiotic metabolism. Here, we…
The selective estrogen receptor modulator tamoxifen and estradiol were shown to protect nigrostriatal dopamine concentration loss by methamphetamine in female mice whereas male mice were protected only by tamoxifen. The present study examined the…
Background/Aims: Pimagedine inhibits the formation of advanced glycation end products and slows the progression of diabetic complications in experimental models. This study was undertaken to determine if pimagedine ameliorates nephropathy in type 1 (…
Objective. Both sonography and scintigraphy have been used to evaluate gallbladder function with the use of sincalide (cholecystokinin [CCK]). However, the reported ejection fractions (EFs) for the two modalities are not the same. The techniques…
Purpose: To report the clinical findings and outcomes in 3 patients with neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) and retinal vascular abnormalities that resulted in angle closure secondary to iris neovascularization and describe the histopathologic abnormalities…
Wheezing in children is a common problem encountered by family physicians. Approximately 25 to 30 percent of infants will have at least one wheezing episode, and nearly one half of children have a history of wheezing by six years of age. The most…
Only two cases of beta(2)-microglobulin amyloid tumors involving the buttocks have been reported in the world literature. We report a case of bilateral buttock amyloid tumors with associated carpal tunnel syndrome and pathologic fracture involving…
Background/Aim: Cobalamin and folate are interdependent co-factors of the methionine synthase pathway. This study evaluated the effect of intravenously-administered nitrosylcobalamin (NO-Cbl), a vitamin B12 analog, on serum folate concentrations in…
Determination of the relationship between silicone breast implants and rheumatologic disease requires comprehensive analysis of large numbers of individuals, both with implants and without. Techniques of history taking and physical examination,…
Spondyloarthropathy was observed in 25 (2.8%) of 895 preserved canid museum specimens and was catalogued by species. The associated skeletal alterations in canids are indistinguishable grossly and physiologically from those in humans with…
The osseous appearance, skeletal distribution, and distinguishing features of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) were delineated in a population of 2906 contemporary defleshed skeletons. The limitations of routine x-ray and clinical…