Examination of a contemporary skeletal collection revealed a rheumatoid subgroup with parameters mirroring those of contemporary clinical populations. This rheumatoid population was also indistinguishable from contemporary (live) clinical…
Spondyloarthropathy was observed in 25 (2.8%) of 895 preserved canid museum specimens and was catalogued by species. The associated skeletal alterations in canids are indistinguishable grossly and physiologically from those in humans with…
Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD), a form of crystalline arthritis, has a unique distribution in the Early to Middle Archaic Periods (3000 to 8000 years before the present) of North America, contrasting with the generalized geographic…
Shared characteristics and concurrent occurrence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and spondyloarthropathy in contemporary populations have compromised development of clear diagnostic criteria for distinguishing them. Although modern populations contain…
The osseous appearance, skeletal distribution, and distinguishing features of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) were delineated in a population of 2906 contemporary defleshed skeletons. The limitations of routine x-ray and clinical…
Diagnosis of diseases of bone, without benefit of soft tissue, in vivo observation, or blood component analysis requires the development of new criteria for diagnosis. Analyzing chimpanzee skeletal populations, applying such criteria (e.g., lesion…
Uncertainties as to the nature and implications of osteoarthritis and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD) in primates were subject to critical review through examination of 153 prosimians and 1,250 Old World non-prosimian primates.…
Presence of spine and sacroiliac involvement and the nature and distribution of the erosive lesions allow definitive diagnosis of spondyloarthropathy. Thus, spondyloarthropathy was identified in Theropithecus, Papio, Cercopithecus, Macaca, Colobus,…
Analyses of New World skeletal populations for the presence of erosions an other osseous alterations and their character, distribution, and radiologic appearance shows that osteoarthritis is predominantly a disease of animals raised in artificially…
Bone and joint alterations were characterized in the skeletons of 498 individuals age 64+ who died in Northeast Ohio between 1913 and 1933. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, rare in young individuals, was found in 27% of men over age 65,…
As the arboreal ape, Pongo, has an unusual ground ambulation adaptation, it was of interest to assess the impact of Pongo gait on patterns of arthritis. While osteoarthritis was not identified in Pongo, 11% of individual skeletons were afflicted with…
Slight variation in manifestation of different diseases may allow a single individual with one disease to mimic the "classic" appearance of another, as evidenced by the frequent confusion of spondyloarthropathy with rheumatoid arthritis. Analysis of…