Audiograms in air and underwater, determined by previous workers for four pinniped species, two eared seals '(Otariidae) and two phocids (Phocidae), are supplemented here by measurements on their middle ear ossicular mass, enabling mechanistic…
The marsupial middle ear performs an anatomical impedance matching for acoustic energy travelling in air to reach the cochlea. The size of the middle ear sets constraints for the frequencies transmitted. For generalized placental mammals, it has been…
In odontocetes the mandibular bone serves two functions: to capture prey, and as a means of the reception and transmission of sound waves through a fat body in the mandibular canal, which opens posteriorly as the mandibular foramen. The posterior…
The skulls and isolated tympanics are described for the earliest whales, pakicetids, from the H-GSP Locality 62 in the Ganda Kas area in Northern Pakistan. Currently three pakicetid genera are known: Pakicetus, Ichthyolestes, and Nalacetus.…