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- Tags: Rodgers P
Guidelines Of Care For The Management Of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Tags: 2018, 5-year follow-up, Alam M, aminolevulinate photodynamic, Armstrong A, basal cell carcinoma, Baum C, Begolka W S, Bichakjian C, Biopsy, Bordeaux J S, Boyer K, Brown M, Busam K J, curettage, Dermatology, Eisen D B, expectancy, fresh tissue technique, hedgehog pathway inhibitor, Huang C, imiquimod 5-percent cream, Iyengar V, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Kim J Y S, Kozlow J H, limited life, Lober C, Margolis D J, Messina J, Metastasis, Miller A, Miller S, Mittal B, mohs micrographic surgery, Mostow E, Mowad C, Moyer J, Nehal K, nonmelanoma, Olencki T, open-label trial, Phototherapy, Radiotherapy, randomized controlled trial, Rodgers P, Schmitt-Burr K, Sekulic A, skin-cancer, Staging, Storrs P, Surgery, surveillance, Teng J, therapy, topical therapy, Yu S
Guidelines Of Care For The Management Of Basal Cell Carcinoma
Tags: 2018, 5-year follow-up, Alam M, aminolevulinate photodynamic, Armstrong A, basal cell carcinoma, Baum C, Begolka W S, Bichakjian C, Biopsy, Bordeaux J S, Boyer K, Brown M, Busam K J, curettage, Dermatology, Eisen D B, expectancy, fresh tissue technique, hedgehog pathway inhibitor, Huang C, imiquimod 5-percent cream, Iyengar V, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Kim J Y S, Kozlow J H, limited life, Lober C, Margolis D J, Messina J, Metastasis, Miller A, Miller S, Mittal B, mohs micrographic surgery, Mostow E, Mowad C, Moyer J, Nehal K, nonmelanoma, Olencki T, open-label trial, Phototherapy, Radiotherapy, randomized controlled-trial, Rodgers P, Schmitt-Burr K, Sekulic A, skin-cancer, Staging, Storrs P, Surgery, surveillance, Teng J, therapy, topical therapy, Yu S
Guidelines of care for the management of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Tags: 2018, 5-year follow-up, Alam M, american joint committee, Armstrong A, Baum C, Begolka W S, Bichakjian C, Biopsy, Bordeaux J S, Boyer K, Brown M, Busam K J, Carcinoma, curettage, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Dermatology, Eisen D B, fresh tissue technique, Huang C, Iyengar V, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, Kim J Y S, Kozlow J H, limited life expectancy, Lober C, lymph-node biopsy, Margolis D J, Messina J, Metastasis, Miller A, Miller S, Mittal B, mohs micrographic surgery, Mostow E, Mowad C, Moyer J, Nehal K, NEOMED College of Medicine, nonmelanoma skin-cancer, Olenecki T, organ transplant, Phototherapy, Radiotherapy, randomized controlled-trial, recipients, Rodgers P, Schmitt-Burr K, Sekulic A, squamous cell, Staging, Storrs P, Surgery, surveillance, Teng J, topical photodynamic therapy, topical therapy, Yu S