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Tags: 2012, Alvim T H G, American journal of primatology, Barnett A A, bearded, Behavior, Bowler M, Boyle S A, Chism J, Da Silva I R, Da Silva Sdsb, De Melo F R, Di Fiore A, eastern brazilian amazonia, Fernandez-Duque E, Ferrari S F, Guimaraes A C P, habitat use, Harrison-Levine A, Haugaasen T, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Lehman S, Mackinnon K C, Maclarnon A, Moreira L S, Moura V S, new-world monkeys, Norconk M M, Palminteri S, Phillips C R, Pinto L P, pitheciids, Port-Carvalho M, predation, Primates, rain-forest, Risk, saimiri-sciureus, sakis, Santos R R, satanas-chiropotes, seed-predator, Setz E Z F, Shaffer C, Soares R F, spider monkeys, Spironello W R, terrestrial, Thompson C L, Veiga L M, Vieira T M, Vreedzaam A, Walker-Pacheco S E, Zoology
Tags: 2006, bone biomechanics, callithrix-jacchus, cross-sectional geometry, form, functional-significance, international journal of primatology, iterative selection method, jaw functional morphology, Journal Article, load resistance, macaca-fascicularis, mandibular corpus, morphology, new-world monkeys, Primates, Ryan T M, Stress, tree gouging, Vinyard C J, Zoology