In an attempt to decrease donor-site morbidity for rectus abdominis muscle harvest during free tissue transfer, we developed a technique of minimally invasive harvest. The da Vinci Surgical System (Intuitive Surgical, Sunnyvale, CA) was used in two…
The purpose of this article is to review the issues regarding preoperative patient expectations for total knee arthroplasty and whether or not these are fulfilled after surgery. The demographics of the typical total knee arthroplasty patient are…
Laparoendoscopic surgery is fueled by technology, and advances in medical imaging may bring about further progress. The application of three-dimensional ultrasound to minimally invasive surgery represents technology "just over the horizon." This…
BACKGROUND: Appendicitis in elderly patients is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Early and correct diagnosis together with minimally invasive surgery can lead to more favorable outcomes than occurred in the prelaparoscopic era.…