The common frog, Rana temporaria, overwinters under the ice of frozen lakes and ponds, during which time metabolic, respiratory and behavioural adjustments act in concert to conserve metabolic fuels by promoting aerobic metabolism. Animal behaviour…
At the low temperatures of the overwintering environment of the frog Rana temporaria, small changes in ambient temperature have large effects on metabolism and behaviour, especially since Q(10) values are often greatly elevated in the cold. How the…
Amphibians overwintering in ice-covered aquatic environments encounter levels of hypoxia that present significant challenges to the maintenance of aerobic metabolism. Earlier laboratory experiments showed that cold-submerged frogs will seek out lower…
The low temperatures encountered by overwintering frogs result in a large downregulation of metabolism and behaviour. However, little is known about acid-base regulation in the extreme cold, especially when frogs become exclusive skin-breathers…