Objective: To evaluate the quality of the evidence on the incidence of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in athletes and military members and estimate the annual incidence of SCA and SCD.
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders, and rates are higher among cancer survivors than the general population, and higher in ovarian cancer patients compared to cohorts of other cancer survivors. Physical activity has been…
OBJECTIVES: Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders, and rates are higher among cancer survivors than the general population, and higher in ovarian cancer patients compared to cohorts of other cancer survivors. Physical activity has…
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the longitudinal relationship between the elapsed time in the action and maintenance stages of change for multiple target behaviors and weight loss or gain. Research Methods and Procedures: The…
Treatment with methamphetamine (MA - 20 mg/kgx4 i.p. at 2-h intervals) or its vehicle at 7 days prior to tests of running time to exhaustion were evaluated in 60-day-old CD-1 male mice. Pre-treatment running times were not significantly different…
Decreases in circulating hsCRP have been associated with increased physical activity and exercise training, although the ability of exercise interventions to reduce hsCRP and which individuals benefit the most remains unclear. This meta-analysis…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was the third leading cause of mortality in the United States in 2009 and accounts for millions of dollars in health care expenses annually. It is characterized by slow declines in functional ability and…
The common frog, Rana temporaria, overwinters under the ice of frozen lakes and ponds, during which time metabolic, respiratory and behavioural adjustments act in concert to conserve metabolic fuels by promoting aerobic metabolism. Animal behaviour…
Borbouse L, Dick GM, Payne GA, Payne BD, Svendsen MC, Neeb ZP, Alloosh M, Bratz IN, Sturek M, Tune JD. Contribution of BKCa channels to local metabolic coronary vasodilation: effects of metabolic syndrome. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 298:…
Borbouse L, Dick GM, Payne GA, Berwick ZC, Neeb ZP, Alloosh M, Bratz IN, Sturek M, Tune JD. Metabolic syndrome reduces the contribution of K+ channels to ischemic coronary vasodilation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 298: H1182-H1189, 2010. First…
Background. The increasing prevalence of obesity and obesity-related conditions in primary care settings challenges the health care system. Thus. we used available baseline data from an on-going clinical trial to examine the biopsychosocial…
Objective: To perform a systematic review of the emergency medicine literature to assess the appropriateness of an intervention to identify, counsel, and refer emergency department (ED) patients > 64 years old who are at high risk for falls. Methods:…
The regulation of the coronary circulation is a complex paradigm in which many inputs that influence vasomotor tone have to be integrated to provide the coronary vasomotor adjustments to cardiac metabolism and to perfusion pressure. We hypothesized…
Adults who exercise regularly have better health, but only 15% of U.S. adults engage in regular exercise, with some social groups, such as people with lower incomes and women, having even lower rates. This study investigates the rate at which…
This report explores the extent to which sociodemographic and psychosocial factors could explain differences in obesity or dietary and exercise behaviors between middle-aged African American (AA) and European American (EA) women seen in primary care.…
BACKGROUND: Research on the diagnosis and management of obesity in primary care is limited. Our study goals were to describe the rate of obesity in a primary care setting, to identify factors associated with clinically recognized obesity, and to…
Medical students experience higher rates of mental illness than the general population. With competition rising for success in medical school, and residency, increasing incidence of distress are leading this population to experience higher rates of…
We wanted a new and innovative method of engaging students in interactive learning. To this end, we developed an educational tool that compares and contracts the cardiopulmonary responses to exercise in an individual with heart failure with an…
OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology of non-fatal recreational injuries among older adults treated in United States emergency departments including national estimates of the number of injuries, types of recreational activities, and diagnoses.…
OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to assess a one-month lifestyle intervention delivered via a web- and mobile-based weight-loss application (app) (LoseIt!) using a healthcare-provider interface. METHODS: Early-stage overweight/obese (body mass index…
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Frailty and cardiovascular disease share many risk factors. We evaluated whether frailty is independently associated with subclinical coronary atherosclerosis and whether any relationships differ by HIV-serostatus. METHODS: We…