Career Construction Counselling (CCC) is a narrative intervention that supports individuals in the elaboration of narrative identity and career construction. CCC theory, research, and practice has benefited from the Innovative Moments Model (IMM) to…
My career story (MCS) comprises a self-guided autobiographical workbook designed to simulate career construction counseling. The MCS contains a series of questions from the Career Construction Interview to elicit a life-career story and reveal a life…
This article introduces the Symposium on Reflexivity in Life Design Interventions. Eight articles report studies of counseling processes and client operations during life design interventions as well as client feedback during subsequent Interpersonal…
The 8 articles in the Symposium advanced understanding of "Reflexivity in Life-Design Interventions". This discussion highlights distinctions between reflection and reflexivity, as well as their relation to first-order and second-order change. Then…
The many constructivist and narrative methods for career intervention that have been developed in the last two decades share an implicit pattern of counseling. This pattern or paradigm can be made explicit by abstracting its key elements from each of…
At the beginning of the 21st century, a new social arrangement of work poses a series of questions and challenges to scholars who aim to help people develop their working lives. Given the globalization of career counseling, we decided to address…
Career construction for life design aims to assist individuals across developmental age periods to anticipate and manage career transitions. We developed and implemented a group career construction intervention based on the My Career Story (MCS)…