BACKGROUND CONTEXT: Studies regarding treatment of spinal metastases are critical to evidence-based decision-making. However, variation exists in how a key outcome, ambulatory function, is assessed. PURPOSE: To characterize the sources and tools …
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: We developed the New England Spinal Metastasis Score (NESMS) as a simple, informative, scoring scheme that could be applied to both operative and non-operative patients. The performance of the NESMS to other legacy scoring…
BACKGROUND CONTEXT: The New England Spinal Metastasis Score (NESMS) was proposed as an intuitive and accessible prognostic tool for predicting survival in patients with spinal metastases. We designed an appropriately powered, prospective,…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We examined the impact of advance care planning (ACP) self-efficacy and beliefs in explaining skilled nursing facility (SNF) provider judgments about resident need and provider responsibility for initiating ACP …
The COVID-19 pandemic has raised a host of ethical challenges, but key among these has been the possibility that health care systems might need to ration scarce critical care resources. Rationing policies for pandemics differ by institution, health…
Purpose: Recently, the American College of Graduate Medical Education included medical decision-making as a core competency in several specialties. To date, the ability to demonstrate and measure a pedagogical evolution of medical judgment in a…
Measures of values typically appraise the construct globally, across life domains or relative to a broad life domain such as work. We conducted two studies to construct and initially validate an occupation- and context-specific values measure. Study…
My career story (MCS) comprises a self-guided autobiographical workbook designed to simulate career construction counseling. The MCS contains a series of questions from the Career Construction Interview to elicit a life-career story and reveal a life…
We examined whether and how family interaction patterns relate to role salience and vocational identity in a predominantly Anglo-American college student sample (107 women, 65 men). Results indicated significant links between perceived emotional…
A review of the 2009 career counseling and development literature indicates that the field remains vital, vibrant, X slid and viable precisely 100 years after its founding Using the field's 4 fundamental traditions of person-environment fit, lac span…
Initially administered in 1961, the Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) was the first paper-and-pencil measure of vocational development. The present research revised the CMI to reestablish its usefulness as a succinct, reliable, and valid measure of…
The construct of "other-directed versus self-directed career choice" has existed for quite some time. The current focus of vocational psychologists and counselors has made them question the relevance of this construct for contemporary American…
Background: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) developed plans for potential emergency conditions from the Exploration Medical Conditions List. In an effort to mitigate conditions on the Exploration Medical Conditions List, NASA…
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To examine barriers of advance care planning (ACP) experienced by care managers (CMs) through a mixed methods approach. A concurrent nested design was used to acquire a deeper understanding of ACP and to identify nuances between…