Browse Items (20 total)
- Tags: Porfeli E J
Between- And Within-person Level Motivational Precursors Associated With Career Exploration
Tags: 2016, adaptability, Adolescence, adolescents, Career exploration, high-school-students, Hirschi A, identity, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of vocational behavior, Lee B, Motivation, multidimensional measure, Personal agency beliefs, Porfeli E J, Psychology, self-efficacy, social cognitive theory, trajectories, Transmission, Vocational, Work, Work valences
Proactive Motivation And Engagement In Career Behaviors: Investigating Direct, Mediated, And Moderated Effects
Tags: 2013, Affect, affect schedule panas, Career, Career counseling, Career management, construct-validity, efficacy, engagement, exploration, goal attainment, happen, high-school-students, Hirschi A, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of vocational behavior, Lee B, Motivation, negative, Porfeli E J, Proactivity, Psychology, self-concordance, things, Vocational identity, Vondracek F W
Child Vocational Development: A Review And Reconsideration
Tags: 2005, african american, Career, Career adaptability, career aspirations, career awareness, Career exploration, career theory, Child Development, child vocational development, children and work, Department of Family & Community Medicine, developmental career, elementary-school-children, Hartung P J, identity development, Journal Article or Conference Abstract Publication, Journal of vocational behavior, junior-high-school, life-course development, life-span development, longitudinal sample, maturity, NEOMED College of Medicine, nontraditional workers, occupational aspirations, Porfeli E J, Psychology, sex-role expectations, twins reared apart, vocational expectations and aspirations, vocational interests, Vondracek F W
Career Adaptability In Childhood
The Student Career Construction Inventory
Tags: 2018, adaptability, Adaptation, Adapting, Adaptivity, Career Choice, Career construction, Department of Family & Community Medicine, exploration, fit indexes, form, Hilton T L, Journal Article, Journal of vocational behavior, maturity, measurement invariance, NEOMED College of Medicine, Porfeli E J, Psychology, Savickas M L, Savickas S, Self-concept, validation
Revision of the Career Maturity Inventory: The Adaptability Form
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries
Specific and Diversive Career Exploration During Late Adolescence
Tags: 2010, antecedents, Behavior, Career, college-students, confidence, decision-making process, diversive, employability, exploration, high-school-students, indecision, Journal Article, Journal of Career Assessment, perspective, planning, Porfeli E J, Psychology, self-efficacy, Skorikov V B, specific, validation, Vocational identity
A multidimensional measure of work valences
Tags: 2012, Affect, career theory, covariance structure-analysis, Department of Family & Community Medicine, development, emotion, experience, Family, fit indexes, Journal Article, Journal of vocational behavior, Lee B, linkage hypothesis, measurement invariance, Motivation, NEOMED College of Medicine, Porfeli E J, Psychology, Socialization, Transmission, Valence, vocational development, Weigold I K, Work
Hugo Munsterberg and the Origins of Vocational Guidance
Family transmission of work affectivity and experiences to children
Tags: 2008, affectivity, antecedents, Career, CAREER development, Children, context, Department of Family & Community Medicine, emotional labor, Emotions, Family, Hartung P J, Journal Article, Journal of vocational behavior, Motivation, negative affect, NEOMED College of Medicine, panas, Parents, Personality, Porfeli E J, Psychology, Socialization, validation, vocation, vocational development, Wang C, web, work experiences
Development of specialization scales for the MSPI: A comparison of empirical and inductive strategies
Tags: 2010, Career Choice, Department of Family & Community Medicine, discriminant-analysis, Empirical measurement model, exploratory factor-analysis, formative, Inductive measurement model, interest, Interest inventory, Interests, Job choice, Journal Article, Journal of vocational behavior, measurement, Medical residency choice, Medical specialty choice, medical-students, NEOMED College of Medicine, Porfeli E J, predictive-validity, Psychology, Richard G V, Savickas M L, scores, specialty preference inventory, stepwise
Children's vocational development: A research rationale
Tags: 2008, Adolescence, CAREER development, Career Development Quarterly, Department of Family & Community Medicine, exploration, Hartung P J, identity development, Internet, Journal Article, NEOMED College of Medicine, occupational aspirations, perspective, Porfeli E J, Psychology, states, Vondracek F W, web
Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-USA Form: Psychometric properties and relation to vocational identity
Psychometric Properties of a Career Exploratory Outcome Expectations Measure
Tags: 2016, Adolescence, aspirations, Cadime I, Career, career exploratory outcome expectations, Childhood career development, exploration, item response theory, Journal Article, Journal of Career Assessment, Oliveira I M, outcome expectations, participation, perspective, Porfeli E J, Psychology, self-efficacy, social-cognitive model, Students, Taveira M D
Emotional aspects of childhood career development: importance and future agenda
Tags: 2015, Adolescence, antecedents, Childhood career development, consequences, Education & Educational Research, emotion, exploration, identity, International journal for educational and vocational guidance, Journal Article, Narratives, Oliveira I M, perspective, Porfeli E J, predictors, Psychology, Social-emotional development, Socialization, Taveira M D, Work
Confirmatory Study of the Multidimensional Scales of Perceived Self-Efficacy with Children
Career Preparedness and School Achievement of Portuguese Children: Longitudinal Trend Articulations
Tags: 2017, academic-achievement, adaptability, Adolescence, aspirations, CAREER development, career preparedness, childhood, exploration, Frontiers in psychology, interventions, Journal Article, Oliveira I M, perspective, Porfeli E J, predictors, Psychology, psychometric properties, school achievement, Taveira M D, trend