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Multituberculate and eutriconodontan endocasts differ from those of primitive therian mammals in their lack of visible midbrain exposure oil the dorsal side and in having a vermis-like triangular bulge (recognized herein as the cast of a large…

Procreodi is an order of Paleocene and Eocene mammals thought to lie at the base of the radiation of the paraphyletic condylarths.' Taxa within the order have been linked to the origins of other condylarth groups, and of some living orders. Within…

Discoveries of three species of Eocene sirenians in District Kachchh, State of Gujarat, India, are reported. A species of the protosirenid Protosiren is represented by cranial and postcranial material, and the halitherime dugongid Eosiren is…

The family Remingtonocetidae is a basal family of Eocene cetaceans only known from near shore marine environments of India and Pakistan. We describe a new skull for Remingtonocetus harudiensis which elucidates the anatomy and functional morphology of…

Protocetid cetaceans were first described from the Eocene of India in 1975, but many more specimens have been discovered since then and are described here. All specimens are from District Kutch in the State of Gujarat and were recovered in deposits…

The evolutionary success of mammals is rooted in their high metabolic rate. A high metabolic rate is sustainable thanks to efficient food processing and that in turn is facilitated by precise occlusion of the teeth and the acquisition of rhythmic…

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