Lesions were placed in various parts of the inferior olivary nucleus and olivocerebellar tract in an attempt to define further the role of the inferior olive in the performance of a conditioned limb-flexion response (LFR) in cats. Thirty-two cats…
Fragments of fetal rat cerebellar tissue were grafted into forebrain cortical lesion cavities of adult rats. After a survival ranging from 12-151 days, no graft was found to fill the cavity completely. Large neurons, occasionally grouped into nests,…
We describe the development of a computer-assisted instructional tool for the neurosciences. Designed to run on readily available MS-DOS computers, the Graphic Brain utilizes computer-generated static and animated images and accompanying text to…
Seven cats were trained to perform a forelimb conditioned response to a paired tone conditioned stimulus (CS)/shock unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Brachium conjunctivum section ipsilateral to the trained limb was carried out following criterion…
Five cats were trained to perform a forelimb conditioned response to a paired tone CS/shock UCS. Rubrospinal tract section ipsilateral to the trained limb was carried out following criterion CR performance. Lesion sites were identified histologically…
Sperry's proposal that subjective experience plays a major role in brain function and in the emergence of mind, consciousness and human values represent a challenge to behaviorism as the dominant force in psychology. Mind is viewed as an emergent…