Browse Items (10 total)

One of the main central processes affecting the cortical representation of conspecific vocalizations is the collateral output from the extended motor system for call generation. Before starting to study this interaction we sought to compare the…

In the obligatory reproductive dependence of a parasite on its host, the parasite must trade the benefit of 'outsourcing' functions like reproduction for the risk of assuming hazards associated with the host. In the present study, we report…

We examined response properties of delay-tuned neurons in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICC) of the mustached bat. In the mustached bat, delay-tuned neurons respond best to the combination of the first-harmonic, frequency-modulated…

Five cats were trained to perform a forelimb conditioned response to a paired tone CS/shock UCS. Rubrospinal tract section ipsilateral to the trained limb was carried out following criterion CR performance. Lesion sites were identified histologically…

Recently prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex (ASR) became a popular technique for tinnitus assessment in laboratory animals. This method confers a significant advantage over the previously used time-consuming behavioral approaches…

Two different habituation-dishabituation test paradigms were used to evaluate differences in social memory/recognition among 3-, 15- and 22-month-old male Fischer 344 rats. For test 1, males received three 2-min exposures to the same stimulus…
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