Medical Students for Choice: origins, current orientations, and potential impact.
Medical Students for Choice: origins, current orientations, and potential impact.
Wear Delese; Keck-McNulty Cynthia
Teaching and learning in medicine
BACKGROUND: Medical Students for Choice is a U.S.-based organization concerned with the shortage of abortion providers, the lack of abortion education in medical schools, and violence against abortion providers. Created in 1993, MSFC has 110 chapters in North America with 7,000 student affiliates. DESCRIPTION: The rapid spread of MSFC chapters since its creation prompted the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine's chapter to undertake group interviews of 40 medical students affiliated with 7 MSFC chapters in 4 midwestern states in the United States. EVALUATION: Interview questions were developed to identify students' motivations for affiliation with MSFC, how abortion was currently addressed in the medical curriculum and where it should be, how students think abortion providers are perceived by the medical community, and how they plan to integrate their commitment to reproductive choice in their future practice. CONCLUSIONS: Not all students affiliated with MSFC will become abortion providers, but they are politically enthusiastic and committed to the inclusion of abortion in medical training and to legitimizing and normalizing its provision. More research tracking this group across time and geography will add much to understanding abortion services in the United States and what part the medical curriculum plays in educating students to provide comprehensive reproductive health services for women.
*Physician's Role; Abortion; Attitudes; Curriculum/standards; Dissent and Disputes; Education; Empirical Approach; Female; Genetics and Reproduction; Health Knowledge; Health Services Accessibility/ethics; Humans; Induced/*education/*ethics; Life Change Events; Medical; Medical/*psychology; Motivation; Practice; Pregnancy; Students; Undergraduate/standards; United States; Voluntary Health Agencies/*organization & administration
Article information provided for research and reference use only. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).
Wear Delese; Keck-McNulty Cynthia, “Medical Students for Choice: origins, current orientations, and potential impact.,” NEOMED Bibliography Database, accessed February 10, 2025,