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- Tags: Keck-McNulty Cynthia
Pimping: perspectives of 4th year medical students.
Tags: *Clinical Clerkship, *Education, *Students, 2005, Attitudes, Aultman Julie, Clinical Competence, College of Graduate Studies, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Health Knowledge, Humans, Internship and Residency, Interprofessional Relations, Keck-McNulty Cynthia, Kokinova Margarita, Medical, NEOMED College of Graduate Studies, NEOMED College of Medicine, Practice, Teaching and learning in medicine, Undergraduate, United States, Wear Delese
Medical students' experience of academic review and promotions committees.
Tags: *Attitude, 2004, Adult, Anecdotes as Topic, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Education, Humans, Interprofessional Relations, Interviews as Topic, Jones Bonnie, Keck-McNulty Cynthia, Medical, Medical/*organization & administration, Medical/*psychology, Moss Polly, NEOMED College of Medicine, Ohio, Peer Review/*methods, Penn Mark, Professional Staff Committees/*standards, Qualitative Research, Schools, Students, Surveys and Questionnaires, Teaching and learning in medicine, Undergraduate/*standards, Wear Delese
Medical Students for Choice: origins, current orientations, and potential impact.
Tags: *Physician's Role, 2003, Abortion, Attitudes, Curriculum/standards, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Dissent and Disputes, Education, Empirical Approach, Female, Genetics and Reproduction, Health Knowledge, Health Services Accessibility/ethics, Humans, Induced/*education/*ethics, Keck-McNulty Cynthia, Life Change Events, Medical, Medical/*psychology, Motivation, NEOMED College of Medicine, Practice, Pregnancy, Students, Teaching and learning in medicine, Undergraduate/standards, United States, Voluntary Health Agencies/*organization & administration, Wear Delese
Attitudes of female nurses and female residents toward each other: a qualitative study in one U.S. teaching hospital.
Tags: *Attitude of Health Personnel, *Internship and Residency, *Physician-Nurse Relations, 2004, Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Australia, Communication, Department of Family & Community Medicine, Female, Focus Groups, Gender Identity, Hospitals, Humans, Keck-McNulty Cynthia, Male, NEOMED College of Medicine, Norway, Nurses/*psychology, Physicians, Sexual Behavior, Teaching, United States, Wear Delese, Women/*psychology