The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of cryopreservation on the components of articular cartilage (AC) matrix by utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and biochemical assessments. Porcine AC (10 mm osteochondral dowels) was…
To demonstrate improved healing of a midline laparotomy after application of mesenchymal stromal cells and platelet-rich plasma on a collagen matrix and introduce a potential cellular-based therapy for the prevention of incisional hernia formation.…
Detailed understanding of the thermal processes in biological targets undergoing laser irradiation continues to be a challenging problem. For example, the contemporary pulsed dye laser (PDL) delivers a complex pulse format which presents specific…
We present a three-dimensional mineralizing model based on a hollow fiber bioreactor (HFBR) inoculated with primary osteoblasts isolated from embryonic chick calvaria. Using non-invasive magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM), the growth and development…
Objective. To use noninvasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), biochemical analyses, and mechanical testing of engineered neocartilage grown in a hollow-fiber bioreactor (HFBR) to establish tissue properties, and to test the hypothesis that MRI can…
The present study was designed to determine whether the diminution of growth hormone (GH) secretion that occurs in obese Zucker rats is related to alterations of GH-releasing factor (GRF) or somatostatin (SRIF) pituitary binding sites. Cold…
Background/aims Continuous measurements of biomechanical properties of skin provide potentially valuable information to dermatologists for both clinical diagnosis and quantitative assessment of therapy. This paper presents an experimental study on in…
Mammals elastically store energy in leg and foot tendons during locomotion. In the turkey, much of the force generated by the gastrocnemius muscle is stored as elastic energy during tendon deformation and not within the muscle. During growth, avian…
Mechanical forces play a role in the development and evolution of extracellular matrices (ECMs) found in connective tissue. Gravitational forces acting on mammalian tissues increase the net muscle forces required for movement of vertebrates. As body…
A three-dimensional (3D) mineralizing culture system using hollow fiber bioreactors has been developed to study the early stages of endochondral ossification by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microscopy. Chondrocytes harvested from the…
Cell printing is a promising approach to create organized constructs for tissue engineering applications. We present an automated cell printing microtechnology based on the use of an aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) interfaced with a three-axis…
Background: VEGF-regulated genes in the cervices of pregnant and non-pregnant rodents (rats and mice) were delineated by DNA microarray and Real Time PCR, after locally altering levels of or action of VEGF using VEGF agents, namely siRNA, VEGF…
Within the field of elastography, a relatively new approach analyzes the limiting case of shear waves established as a reverberant field. In this framework, it is assumed that a distribution of shear waves exists, oriented across all directions in 3D…