Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) has been recognized as an effective tool for the analysis of tissue samples and biofluids. In this work, a total of 27 spectral parameters were chosen and compared using SERS. Four parameters with the…
This paper attempts to investigate the feasibility of using Raman spectroscopy for the diagnosis of colon cancer. Serum taken from 75 healthy volunteers, 65 colon cancer patients and 60 post-operation colon cancer patients was measured in this…
Detailed understanding of the thermal processes in biological targets undergoing laser irradiation continues to be a challenging problem. For example, the contemporary pulsed dye laser (PDL) delivers a complex pulse format which presents specific…
Photoresponsive delivery systems that are activated by high energy photo-triggers have been accorded much attention because of the capability to achieve reliable photoreactions at short irradiation times. However, the application of a high energy…
We describe director distortions in the nematic liquid crystal (LC) caused by a spherical particle with tangential surface orientation of the director and show that light transmittance through the distorted region is a steep function of the…
A complex plasma disc (CPD) is a stable two-dimensional arrangement of it particles, each with mass in and charge q, confined by a parabolic well and interacting through a shielded Coulomb force (i.e. a Yukawa potential). It is shown that the…