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Using Rene Magritte's well-known painting The Treachery of Images (This is not a pipe), we argue that the current focus on competencies throughout medical education can sometimes lead educators to rely too heavily on scores, checkmarks, or other…

CONTEXT: Negative role modeling is a plague medical educators fight once students enter the clinical arena. The literature is replete on the fact that students routinely encounter faculty who display attitudes and behaviors inconsistent with the…

During the past decade, "reflection" and "reflective writing" have become familiar terms and practices in medical education. The authors of this article argue that the use of the terms requires more thoughtfulness and precision, particularly because…

Three distinct phenomena are currently at play in medical education: (1) the pervasive use of PowerPoint in teaching, (2) the wholesale application of competency models, and (3) the shift from paper reading to screen reading regardless of course,…

The professional development discourse currently circulating in academic medicine owes much to the work of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) and their Project Professionalism. They identify the elements of altruism, duty, excellence,…

Cultural competency efforts have received much attention in medical education. Most efforts focus on the acquisition of knowledge and skills about various groups based on race and ethnic identity, national origins, religion, and the like. The authors…

We have developed an exercise designed to give students practice calculating arterial O2 content, O2 delivery, physiological dead space, dead space and alveolar ventilation, and alveolar partial pressure of O2 and CO2. The exercise is in the form of…

Stories, film, drama, and art have been used in medical education to enhance empathy, perspective-taking, and openness to "otherness," and to stimulate reflection on self, others, and the world. Yet another, equally important function of the…
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